Italy bans sales of PVC toys containing phthalates

The Italian Government has announced a decision to ban sales of PVC toys for the under-threes containing phthalates, in a joint statement by the Ministries for Industry and Health.

The decision was welcomed by Greenpeace Italia, which also warned against simply replacing phthalates with other additives that would be released when the toys are mouthed by children. The way forward, says Greenpeace is to replace PVC with other materials that are widely available.
This approach has already been taken by a number of Italian firms, including Chicco, La Grazioli and Giochi Preziosi, which have all replaced PVC with alternative materials in their own-brand products.

Greenpeace hails the decision as a victory for its ongoing legal battles with the European Vinyl Corporation and chemical firm Solvay, who have already sued four times, claiming financial compensation for alleged economic losses through its anti-PVC campaign.

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