Training your staff to tackle your Net Zero target needn’t be an uphill struggle

Last updated: 26th November 2020

Every organisation is at a different stage of its journey and has different needs so JRP offers a range of bespoke training modules to support your organisation in achieving your Net Zero objectives. Each module will be designed specifically to be relevant to your individual organisation’s current level of activity, culture and progress to date.

Development of the bespoke modules by our Net Zero specialists will follow a thorough briefing about your current situation, the level of understanding in the organisation and your future ambitions. Modules can be combined to create a comprehensive training programme that engages the right people at the right level to help deliver a successful strategy.

1. An introduction to Net Zero

A module for senior management who have limited understanding of Net Zero implications and effective implementation of GHG accounting rules.

Who is this programme for: Senior leadership team, senior management, middle management.

Duration: 2 hours

Deliverables: The programme will fully engage delegates in the topic. It will give them an understanding of the basic principles, the issues, the governance requirements and the implications and priorities for their organisation. The programme includes practical exercises to fully engage participants.

2. Energy and carbon management as part of a Net Zero Strategy.

JRP’s comprehensive range of energy training programmes can be found here.

3. The Circular Economy

Moving from a take-make-throwaway model to a reuse-recycle-remake model is a critical element of achieving Net Zero.

Who is this programme for: Senior/middle management teams in any organisation.

Duration: 6-8 hours

Deliverables: This is a practical module that will enable senior/middle management delegates to implement a circular economy approach.

4. The critical role of natural resources management in a Net Zero Strategy

Otherwise known as natural capital or ecosystem services, appropriate management of natural resources, specifically land and water, is a critical element of a Net Zero Strategy for some organisations.

Who is this programme for: Senior/middle management teams in any organisation that uses natural resources at any stage of its operations, including scope 3, e.g. for land owning enterprises, developers, food industry, farmers, construction, mining, quarrying, utilities, etc.

Duration: 4 hours

Deliverables: Delegates will be able to identify where their activities sit in relation to natural capital and be able to construct a plan to switch to alternative lower carbon activities with a better ‘natural capital’ footprint.

5. Carbon proofing your organisational strategy

A successful Net Zero strategy involves a holistic organisational approach and should be embedded in all organisational strategy.

Who is this programme for: the senior leadership team in any organisation.

Duration: 4 hours

Deliverables: Delegates will be able to develop a plan to carbon proof their organisation.

6. Engaging stakeholders and implementing behaviour change

To achieve Net Zero, the culture and behaviours of an organisation need to change to ensure that engagement, awareness and commitment is fully enabled and maintained.

Who is this programme for: the senior leadership team in any organisation, board members and key stakeholders.

Duration: 6-8 hours

Deliverables: Delegates will understand what is required to achieve and maintain full engagement throughout their organisation and will have drafted an action plan.

7. The role of carbon offsetting

When undertaken responsibly, carbon offsetting has a useful – possibly critical – role to play in many organisations Net Zero Strategy.

Who is this programme for: the senior leadership team in any organisation.

Duration: 3 hours

Deliverables: Delegates will understand what carbon offsetting is, where it fits in their own Net Zero strategy, where it is appropriate and the options that match their own organisational values.

For more information please click here or contact

N.B. The information contained in this entry is provided by the above supplier, and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher

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