Airtricity sets 15% market share goal

The company, now owned by Scottish & Southern Energy, is preparing to target the Irish domestic and business markets, according to a report in RTE Business.

Kevin Greenhorn, Airtricity’s managing director, explained that the fact that the “regulatory environment” in Ireland has changed in recent times means that now is the right time to target the market.

In total, some 500,000 connections are hoped for within the next five years.

Although it currently supplies gas and electricity, it aims to supply metering, telecoms and additional energy services across the country.

Airtricity’s founder Eddie O’Connor has revealed that he aims to create a new firm – Mainstream Renewable Power – in order to develop wind, solar and marine power.

In addition to the Euro 30m he has invested in the venture himself, Mr O’Connor said he is seeking another Euro 300m of funding.