Austria told to tighten controls on accidents waiting to happen

Commission v Austria

Austria was found to have failed to transpose the provisions of the Directive relating to blasting supplies and explosives; failed to transpose into the law of the land of Salzburg the provisions relating to electricity production; failed to have transposed Article 11 detailing external emergency plans into the law of the lands of Salzburg, Styrie and Tyrol; failed to have transposed Article 12 on taking the objectives of the Directive into account in land-use planning and other relevant policies into the law of the land of Upper Austria; and to have failed to transpose Article 8 paragraph 2 on informing the public and competent authorities of their external emergency plans into the law of the lands of Upper Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol and Vorarlberg.

The text of the case is only available in French and can be accessed at the following
