Bloggers go green – for a day

The first ever Blog Action Day, backed by the UN Environment Programme and the denizens of the blogosphere, was a co-ordinated event that aimed to persuade the online community, from the irrepressible ranters to the incisive commentators, to write about environmental issues for one day.

Over 10,000 blogs are known to have taken part in the event, and it is likely that the real number goes well beyond this.

The results were as diverse as might be expected, from the silly to the serious, with bloggers sharing practical tips on how individuals can reduce their environmental impact to serious, focused debate on the big issues of the day like climate change, waste and water use.

The eclectic Blogs taking part included those that already concentrate on the environment as well as those which changed their perspective for a day.

At the heart of the idea is the message that by uniting the world’s blogging community, it is possible to reach a combined audience of millions to raise awareness of the environment, get people thinking and trigger a global debate.

The range of topics bloggers wrote about is virtually endless: from green household tips to climate change, and from local pollution to major worldwide initiatives like the UNEP-led Billion Tree Campaign.

More details of the the can be found at

Sam Bond