Brits would put furry friends first in floods says EA

In fact, 23% of respondents when asked what one item they would save in the event of a flood, chose their pet. Laptops came second with 10%, 3% would save their jewellery and 1% would grab their wallet.

Twice as many women as men said they’d rescue their photo collection, while most men said they’d prioritise gadgets over photos or jewellery.

However, there was a serious aspect to the poll, that highlighted only 37% of home and business owners felt they could do a fair amount or more to prevent the risk of flooding, despite one in six properties being at risk.

The survey findings, released today, the two-year anniversary of the Cumbrian floods, are being used by the EA to encourage property owners to prepare a flood plan and check insurance policies as well as consider more concrete measures such as raising electrical sockets.

EA head of flood strategy Phil Rothwell explained: “The survey shows that people are, understandably, concerned about losing their personal possessions during a flood. But there are some simple steps that can be taken to reduce this fear. Everyone should check the Environment Agency’s website to see if their house is in a flood-risk area and to find out what they can do to prepare for flooding – such as signing up for free river and sea flood warnings.”

Will Parsons