China to team up with Ontario on clean tech

Green innovation was the focus of his trade mission, with the Canadian province hoping to benefit from China’s monetary muscle and green aspirations.

The Chinese government’s latest Five Year Plan outlines aspirations to make the country cleaner and greener and the country has said it plans to plough US$175bn into green projects by 2010.

Ontario is the hub for Canada’s growing environmental sector, home to some 2,600 clean tech companies.

McGuinty promoted Ontario’s environmental achievements and expertise in green technologies at the Jiangsu Symposium on Environmental Protection this week, claiming it was an opportunity to show how Ontario’s strengths match up with China’s needs.

Premier McGuinty also delivered a speech at the Jiangsu Symposium on the Globalisation of Higher Education.

The audience brought together students, professors and government leaders from throughout China and Asia Pacific.

His remarks highlighted China’s drive for innovation, Ontario’s commitment to post-secondary education and the value of student exchanges to both countries.

Premier McGuinty met with Jiangsu Vice Governor Zhang Weiguo, and later met with Nanjing Party Secretary Zhu Shanlu.

“We are all stronger together, as we rise to the challenge of protecting our environment,” said Mr McGuinty.

“And it is only right that we do this, together. After all, we share the same home, and our children are counting on us to work together to protect their home,” said Premier Dalton McGuinty.

Sam Bond