Commission proposes to cut emissions from small petrol engines

The proposal will extend the scope of the current Directive on emissions from compression ignition engines to be used in non-road machinery, to also cover small spark ignition engines, and will help to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds, bringing Europe in line with the standards of the US Environmental Protection Agency, says the Commission. The types of engines covered by the proposal include lawn mowers, chain saws, brush cutters, trimmers and snow removal equipment.

Implementation of emission limits are intended to begin 18 months after the entry into force of the Directive, and by 2010 emissions from small engines will be about 80-85% lower than from an engine of today, says the Commission. In addition, there will be a fuel saving due to technological improvements of about 30%, limiting the cost of implementation to the consumer.

The current EU directive covers only compression engines with a power output of more than 18 kW, and includes emission limits for carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, hydrocarbons, and particulates.