COP15 delegates need to talk more poo

While many people would argue our politicians already talk too much poo Dr Keith Colquhoun, Thames Water’s climate change strategy manager, wants to hear more of it.

He claims Thames Water, the UK’s largest water and sewage company, saved itself £15m in electricity bills last year by burning poo for power.

This is done through a combination of burning sewage sludge for power and anaerobic digestion where methane is burned for heat.

He said: “Delegates at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit must face the fact that combating climate change is no longer about talk.

“It’s about all of us taking action – and in our case, that includes poo power.”

Dr Coquhoun also said the firm’s goal was to cut greenhouse emissions by 20% on 1990 levels by 2020 – that’s about 200,000 tonnes less CO2.

Luke Walsh