Edie connects you to suppliers of low-carbon and climate-change products and services

This new category will enable users of edie to source suppliers and products from sub-categories such as Alternative Fuels and Carbon & Emissions Trading – a ready source of suppliers and products for those who want to implement climate change policies into their business strategy.

Edie is currently inviting relevant companies to submit their own entries for inclusion in this category. To submit and entry, go to the Marketplace site, and search on your company name to check that you are not already listed. If not, click on the main category most applicable to your business, then click on ‘add an entry’ and follow the instructions on screen. Once your entry has been approved it will appear on the site and you will receive a registration number and password by email.

If you are already listed and need to update your entry, please email edie@edie.net to request your login details.