edie Explains: Hydrogen for Net-Zero

Hydrogen can be produced using a variety of measures and sources, namely natural gas, biomass, nuclear, fossil fuels and renewables. As such, it makes it an attractive fuel proposition for industries like electricity generation and transportation. Under some circumstances, hydrogen can be used in a way where the only by-product is water, making it a viable option for climate and sustainability initiatives and practices. However, the large majority – around 95% – of hydrogen is currently produced using fossil fuels.

As such, businesses are exploring how hydrogen can enable the transition to net-zero emissions. How can hydrogen be utilised by businesses? What are the key considerations? Is hydrogen commercially viable? And what challenges need to be overcome?

This new edie Explains guide answers all these questions and more. Featuring expert analysis in the form of a viewpoint from guide sponsors, Centrica Business Solutions, the new Explains guide will equip readers with a wealth of knowledge as they uncover how they can potentially use this nascent technology.

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