edie Extra: Everything you need to know about CSRD in 20 minutes

At the edie 24 event in London last month, our award-winning editorial team hosted a series of punchy decisions intended to enlighten and inform audiences on the most complex and hotly debated topics in corporate sustainability.

In this discussion, edie’s content editor Sarah George talks about CSRD with Amir Sokolowski, director of climate at CDP.

During the discussion, Sokolowski discusses the ramifications that CSRD will have on corporate reporting requirements, how it aligns with other reporting frameworks and, crucially, why it shouldn’t just be viewed as a tick box exercise, but that going beyond compliance will set businesses up for success.

edie Extra · CSRD Uncovered: Everything You Need To Know, In 20 Minutes

Introducing edie Extra

The discussions at edie 24, available in both video or audio formats, kickstart the launch of edie Extra – a new multimedia channel.

Building on the success of edie’s long-standing Sustainability Uncovered podcast series, edie Extra is the place to find all the in-depth conversations with sustainability professionals about sustainability professionals.

As more voices, businesses and initiatives pick up the conversation on the importance of tackling the climate crisis, this new page acts as a central home to edie’s #SustyTalks and other upcoming special audio features.

From discussing the hot topics in the sustainability thought to retellings of how people got into the industry, edie Extra is the one-stop location for all of edie’s extra multimedia content.

Whether you’re a business leader, climate expert, environmental professional, youth activist, or just someone with a passion for all things sustainability and climate action – this page is a must-have for your bookmarks to keep up to date with latest sustainability developments.

Find edie Extra on Soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/edieextra/csrd-uncovered-everything-you-need-to-know-in-20-minutes

We will be joining other major hosting platforms shortly.

Want to be featured on a future episode of #SustyTalks? Email newsdesk@fav-house.com.