edie’s guides to net-zero carbon continues with construction sector

Following the launch of edie’s net-zero guides on the utilities, manufacturing and food and drinks manufacturing sectors, edie has now launched the fourth of its insight reports, which investigates how the construction industry is scaling up its decarbonisation ambitions.


Published today (11 December), the 17-page report breaks down exactly how sustainability and energy professionals working for contractors and property companies can drive the low-carbon transition – from agreeing and setting targets to scaling up on-site solutions and delivering goals across the supply chain.

The report, supported by Integrated Environmental Solutions, follows the UK’s commitment to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 and the increasing focus on zero carbon which will see entire sectors’ processes and footprints radically altered, and shift industry away from a resource-intensive and fossil fuel reliant existence.

It includes insight into groundbreaking companies’ net-zero ambitions and showcases how the construction sector can accelerate its overall targets. There is also a one-page infographic highlighting the key figures and statistics from the sector, providing a quick overview of where construction currently sits in the overall net-zero movement – and what the targets are for the future.

Writing in the foreword that introduces the report, chief executive of the UK Green Building Council, Julie Hirigoyen, said: “It’s impossible to ignore the unstoppable momentum for change that has built up over the last 12 months. We’ve moved quickly from a situation where in some circles the science
of climate change was still being debated, to one where the principal question is no longer whether climate change is happening, but rather how quickly, and what can be done to reverse its worst consequences.

“Pursuing a net zero emissions target has received support from businesses of all shapes, sizes and sectors, as illustrated by the CBI’s own support for such an end goal, and there is now a real reputational risk for those organisations that cannot demonstrate a commitment to eliminating their carbon footprint over time.”

This new series of reports is inspired by Mission Possible – edie’s award-winning, purpose-driven campaign which is empowering businesses to ramp up efforts across all areas of sustainable development.

The full series will consist of seven reports, with later editions exploring what ‘net-zero’ looks like for retail, food & drink, construction, hospitality & leisure, and the public sector.