EPA to restore wetlands, help utility compliance

Issuing an overview of EPA’s National Water Programme, Assistant Administrator, Charles Fox outlined themes laid out in the Clean Water Action Plan (CWAP) and the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) amendments as well as the specific actions which will make up the US national water programme for the period between 1999 and 2000.

In 1996, amendments were made to the SDWA authorizing measures to be taken by EPA, state and water utilities until the end of 2005. In February 1998, President Clinton announced the CWAP, setting out goals for the Clean Water Programme.

In an EPA statement, Fox listed the areas to which he will be paying special attention over the coming year. For the Clean Water Programme, those areas include:

Fox said the EPA will focus on those activities drawn up under the 1996 SDWA amendments that have a deadline of Financial Year 2000 and early FY 2001. Those include: