EU achieves some success at Beijing ozone meeting but progress is slow

The agreed package, based on EU proposal, for further ODS controls includes:

Despite the EU’s success in securing agreement on some of its proposals (see related story), several environmental NGOs were dismayed by what they see as slowdown in international momentum to protect the ozone layer from ODS. Friends of the Earth’s representative termed the meeting the least successful thus far and the Israel Economic Forum for the Environment stated at the Meeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol no longer has the will or power to repeat its initial successes in freezing and phasing-out new ODS.

Replenishment of the Multilateral Fund that finances developing countries’ efforts to phase out ODS was agreed at $477,700,000 for 2000-2002. This is higher than the $300 million level proposed by several developed countries at the outset of the talks, but lower than the previous allocation of funds.

Earth Negotiations Bulletin, which provided daily coverage of the meeting, acknowledged the shortcomings of the meeting. In its summing-up edition, the Bulletin concluded: “With the meeting being held in Beijing, a city of countless cyclists, it is not hard to envisage the Montreal Protocol at its inception as a brand new bicycle with a big basket to carry items picked up along the way. From this week’s meeting, it is clear that the bicycle needs a new basket, as its current one is reaching capacity and parties are finding it difficult to deal with the ever-increasing number of ODS”.