Grontmij scoops another Yorkshire Water contract

The contract will run for the next five years, with another possible two-year extension and builds on an existing eight year partnership with the water company.

The new contract is to assist Yorkshire Water in the implementation of its telemetry systems strategy.

The contract will be delivered by Grontmij’s specialist team, which concentrates in assisting utility companies in collecting and managing real-time data and integrating it into business critical systems.

Grontmij won two other recent framework appointments with Yorkshire water.

One to investigate and develop value and risk management solutions with individual projects valued at between £10 million and £50 million and one focusing on medium-sized treatment works ranging from £50,000 and £10 million.

Yorkshire Water head of telemetry, John Parsons, said: “To deliver value and the best service possible to our customers, we are constantly challenging how things are done.

“We believe that by growing our relationship with Grontmij, Yorkshire Water will continue to develop and implement best practice instrumentation control and automation systems which will deliver long term benefits to our customers.”

Alison Brown