Interactive Map: The world’s 14 biggest carbon emitters

Negotiatiors at the COP21 talks have produced a draft accord in record time, raising hopes that a full week of minister-led talks can now clinch a deal, despite many sticking points.

One thing is for certain: a strong global agreement is essential if we want to limit – or at least get close to limiting – global warming to the two-degree level deemed safe by experts.

While there is evidence to suggest that we have the solutions at our disposal – an ideology among more and more countries – some countries are still being questioned as to whether they’re pulling their weight when it comes to climate action.

So, as the world awaits the potential Paris climate agreement, we’ve compiled an interactive map of the 14 countries that are responsible for the lion’s share of carbon emissions; detailing what they’ve pledged in order to get of this dishonourable list.

Scroll through the map and click on the flags to bring up the statistics and pledges of each country.

Matt Mace