Lighter Later step up campaign

The campaign’s manager, Daniel Vockins, appealed to people to contact their MP ahead of a planned Parliamentary vote on December 3.

The campaign aims to stop the resetting of clocks so that it believes means expensive and polluting electric lights are used more to keep out the dark nights.

Their plan is simple – shifting the clocks forward by one hour throughout the entire year.

But, we would still put the clocks forward in spring and back in autumn, but we would have moved an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening, when the campaign believes more of us are awake to enjoy it

Mr Vockins said: “The countdown is on. The big vote on lighter evenings takes place on December 3 and we need to get 102 MPs voting in favour to pass the bill.

“Apparently you need two extra ones just to call out the results – Parliament is a strange place!

“We can do this, but only if we go all out. Over the next month we’re going to work together on four weekly challenges to get those MPs committing. Let’s get started!”

You can support the campaign by clicking here.

Luke Walsh