Lights out for London

It is estimated that lighting up the capital’s offices and shops accounts for eight per cent of all London’s carbon emissions, equivalent to 3.52 million tons a year.

The Carbon Trust estimates that 25-30% of an organisation’s electricity costs come from lighting. Using energy efficient lighting can cut these costs by a third.

The Carbon Trust also calculates that lighting bills could be cut by 15 percent by only using lights when and where they are genuinely required.

The Environment Committee will consult with businesses and examine at the reasons lights are left on and how to promote energy-saving policies.

Environment Committee chair, Darren Johnson, AM, said: “When you are out in London at night, you will see buildings all across the capital with their lights blazing. Is this necessary?

“Turning off lights saves energy and money. So we want to understand why so many workplaces leave lights on overnight.

“We also want to see if there is more that the GLA and the Mayor could be doing to enable and encourage workplace lights to be switched off when they aren’t needed.”

In addition to discussing the issue with businesses, the Committee is seeking the views of the public. The Committee will hold a public meeting in December and publish a report in early 2011.

You can find out more about the investigation by clicking here.

Alison Brown