Mediterranean: Existing marine and coastal protection systems aren’t working

While the open waters of the Mediterranean are “generally good”, the EEA is concerned that “only a small percentage of coastal zone is still in pristine condition, of which an even smaller proportion is protected”.

State and pressures of the marine and coastal Mediterranean environment also highlights the urgent need for improved data collection and data sharing, pointing out that there are significant gaps in knowledge, no standardisation for data originating in different countries and no central ‘library’ of comparable data.

Despite gaps in data, EEA concludes that land-based human activity constitute the greatest pressure on the Mediterranean’s environment and that “in the case of urban and industrial pollution, the main problem is the rapid population growth along the southern coasts of the Mediterranean, where there are fewer legal instruments and lesser environmental infrastructure investments”.

The report makes recommendations in eight areas:

Although efforts to protect the Mediterranean were first introduced in 1975, EEA’s report argues that “action is needed at all policy levels” including international co-operation and involvement by EU bodies.