Minister Stevenson launches Scotland’s first environmental support tool for businesses

Developed by Scottish Business in the Community (SBC) in partnership with the 2020 Climate Group and BT Scotland, the Envirowheel aims to help businesses identify how they can save money and become more sustainable.

The project, which has been supported by key Scottish agencies, including the Carbon Trust, Energy Saving Trust, Zero Waste Scotland, SEPA and Scottish Enterprise, enables companies to find the help they need, while offering practical tips on operating in a more environmentally friendly way.

According to SBC, the interactive tool clearly highlights the range of help available in key areas of the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Delivery Plan – energy, transport, waste, water and behaviour change.

As well, it offers advice on key areas of business improvement such as finance and legislation for all sizes of business, allowing users to tailor it to fit their needs.

BT Scotland director Brendan Dick, who chairs SBC, said that the tool will help businesses integrate good practices into their workplaces, while also making financial savings.

He said: “Smaller businesses are confused by the huge variety of free environmental support available. Many don’t have the time or resource to make it a priority and don’t know where to start their environmental journey.”

Meanwhile, 2020 Climate Group member Lady Susan Rice, said “We all have different reasons for addressing environmental challenges. What matters most is we get past the talking stage and actually do something. The Envirowheel seems to me to be an ideal tool to help companies, particularly smaller businesses, once they’ve made the decision to take some action.”

Firms can embed the tool directly onto their websites, allowing them to actively encourage their supply chains to act more responsibly, further supporting their own environmental credentials and allowing them greater control of their emissions.

More information on the Envirowheel can be found here

Carys Matthews