NASA technology to take on particulate monitoring

In a bid to replace the complex and time consuming gravimetric process measuring the difference in mass of particulate emissions, the new TEOM (Tapered Element Oscilating Microbalance) 7000, produced by Rupprecht & Patashnick Co., which appeared at ET last year as a prototype, is now fully fledged and ready for use.

The device collects particles on a filter, performs a direct measurement of their mass, and provides an instant readout of the mass of particulate matter, which includes calculations of flue velocity, moisture content, and molecular weight.

Although currently only available for temporary surveying, and so complementary to other particulate monitoring systems, the TEOM 7000 is expected to be available for use in permenant insitu monitoring in three to four years time, a Rupprecht & Patashnick spokesman told edie.

The new TEOM 7000 can be found at CRE’s stand, number ET030.