New sustainability post for Wales

Environment Minister Jane Davidson announced that Peter Davies would be appointed as Wales’ first Commissioner for Sustainable Futures.

The commissioner will be responsible for giving independent advice on Wales’ sustainability policies and programmes. A body to support the new commissioner will also be created.

Jane Davidson said: “Peter’s appointment will ensure that we continue to receive independent advice on the sustainability of Wales’ policies and programmes, and that action is taken support sustainable development in all parts of Welsh society.

“My intention is to create a new body that will take forward our existing sustainable development duty and advise us in our journey towards a more sustainable Wales.

“This work will be progressed by the next government but my intention is that the new body will make our duty to promote sustainable development a reality.”

Peter Davies is currently the Sustainable Development Commissioner in Wales. His appointment as the Commissioner for Sustainable Futures will run from 1 April 2011until the 28 June 2012.

Alison Brown