News in brief

Designing A Better World: Beyond DFE and Eco-Efficiency.

Four years ago, the idea of design for environment (DFE) was not yet in the mainstream. Today, the concept seems to have become more well-entrenched in corporate practice. But a number of leading thinkers and practitioners in the design field have concluded that DFE isn’t enough, and that a shift to sustainable product — and service — design is necessary.

They are collectively challenging business to step back and take a hard look at products and their functions, and the larger systems in which they are made and used. This month, BATE offers a variety of perspectives and observations on design for sustainability.

Source: Business and the Environment

Georges causes floods and storm surge on Gulf Coast

High waters, contributing to coastal and property damages from Hurricane Georges, have prompted scientists to record the magnitude of floods and storm surge along the Gulf Coast of the United States. The US Army Corps of Engineers and the US Geological Survey are collecting and analysing data from the storm. Because every coastal area, river and stream from Mississippi to the Florida panhandle experienced serious life-threatening flooding, this information is considered critical for emergency management officials who need to be prepared to respond to future severe weather situations.

A brief history of Georges with data and colour photographs