Online database rates green cars

The WhatGreenCar? site has a database of more than 16,000 cars available in the UK and will identify the top ten green cars in each class.

Each vehicle will be given a rating between zero and 100, with the lowest scores representing the most eco-friendly cars.

Drivers who want to know how green their current car is can also take advantage of a search facility covering all UK cars registered since 2001. The site rates their car and offers greener alternatives.

The environmental rating is based on the impacts of eight emissions – including carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates – produced during the vehicle’s use and manufacture.

This is compared to the Government’s new ranking system, which only assesses carbon dioxide exhaust emissions.

WhatGreenCar? has already teamed up with MSN Cars to provide information and ratings for visitors to the MSN site, and plans to expand this service to other information providers.

Tom Evans, manager of MSN Cars, said: “WhatGreenCar? is unique in coming up with a way to judge the environmental impact of every car on the market from the day it is built to the day it goes to the crusher.

“WhatGreenCar’s comprehensive guide gives consumers a way to make proper judgements about the ecological effect of their car buying decisions, which can only be a good thing for all.”

Kate Martin