Our Planet: WWF film calls on business to combat environmental degradation

Produced in collaboration with WWF and Silverback Films, the organisations involved in the Our Planet Netflix series, the new short film features insight from notable business leaders on the threats and opportunities of mitigating and reversing global environmental trends such as climate change, plastics pollution and deforestation.

Christiana Figueres, considered the chief negotiator of the Paris Agreement, and Tesco’s chief executive and chair of the Champions 12.3 Coalition Dave Lewis to combat food waste Dave Lewis feature alongside scientist Johan Rockström, and economist Kate Raworth.

WWF’s executive director and conservation advisor for Our Planet said:We won’t achieve real change unless the business community is behind us. The private sector has a key role to play, representing 60% of the world’s GDP.

“The good news is that there is growing support from the business community.  The bad news is that there isn’t enough. Businesses, individually and collectively, have a striking role to play.”

The organisation claimed that the short film is the latest attempt to “inspire a business audience” and communicate how change can be implemented, at scale. 

The film highlights key trends that are pushing planetary boundaries to their limits. Global wildlife populations have declined, on average, by 60% over a 50-year period, while an area of forest the size of London is lost every week.

Natural resources are now estimated to be worth $125trn annually to the global economy, yet their value hasn’t been realised by nations and businesses that continue to pollute and destroy vital habitats and natural systems – including oceans, forests, rivers and grasslands.

Visionary video

The Our Planet: Our Business film is the latest in a line of documentaries, docuseries and environmental-related visuals being used to inspire action and raise awareness on climate change.

From Blue Planet 2 and the BBC’s Climate Change the Facts to the likes of Icebreaker teaming with Vortex Swim on a new video campaign on plastics, it seems that climate change and environmental degradation is finally making its way into mainstream TV and film.

The use of these platforms has clearly impacted the thoughts of the public. Almost two-thirds (60%) of the UK public believe that the chief executives of corporations should be leading the national fight against climate change. A survey, conducted by consultancy Kin&Co earlier this year, quizzed two groups of 1,203 and 2,084 adults respectively on their attitudes to sustainable business and climate action.

Matt Mace