Postcode lottery of energy bills revealed

Work released today (October 21) by price comparison site said Cardiff customers are the worst off and E.ON customers’ bills showed the biggest variation by location.

But, the best place to live for cheap energy is Brighton where online customers pay £1,060 a year on average.

The work also claims the cheapest tariffs can be found online, but points out energy suppliers vary their prices according to where customers live by £76 on average.

Also if you’re a customer of E.ON you’re charges are likely to differ across the country with evidence of one customer being charged up to £180 more than those living elsewhere.

A spokesman for said: “At its worst, it can see a supplier charging customers in one area up to £180 a year more than its customers living elsewhere, even though they are on the same energy plan, paying by the same method and using the same amount of energy.

“The impact of this postcode lottery can really be seen when looking at suppliers most competitive tariffs their cheap online energy plans.

“But, even though householders can’t help where they live they can limit the impact of the postcode lottery by ensuring that they are with the cheapest supplier in their area.

“Even in Cardiff, the most expensive region, there is £106 difference between the cheapest and most expensive supplier.”

Luke Walsh