Rainwater harvesting standard in the pipeline

Speaking at SustainabilityLive’s water exhibition IWEX on Wednesday, BRE’s John Griggs outlined the need for a standard and the work that has been done in preparing one.

You don’t have to look back very many years to find a time when there were just a handful of rainwater harvesting systems on the market, he said, but climate change and other drivers mean that we’re entering a boom time for the technology.

Increasing consumer awareness in environmental issues along with shifts in Government policy in general, and the Code for Sustainable Homes in particular, mean that this demand is likely to continue for some time to come.

This rapid growth has led to the need for a standard to provide consumers with confidence in installers.

“British Water decided to put forward a request to BSI to produce a standard,” said Mr Griggs.

“That was accepted last year.”

The standard will cover issues such health and safety, the appropriateness of rainwater for various uses – from toilet flushing and clothes washing to gardening and other outdoor use.

The final standard will be published under the auspices of the BSI and a draft will be on its website for consultation in June at www.drafts.bsigroup.com

It will cover the installation of systems, not the products themselves.

Sam Bond