Reforestation from the air proposed at COP16

The Cancun climate talks yesterday (December 1) heard from the founding president of the Mexican Green Flight Foundation.

Carlos Gómez Roel suggested reforestation could be carried out from the air to replant rainforests chopped down for wood and agriculture.

Rainforests in the developing world soaks up vast amounts of CO2 and protecting them is a key issue for COP16 delegates.

Under the plan aircraft would be manned by members of the Mexican Air Force rather than private pilots, and would make further efforts to combat fires, rain stimulation and even emergency transport during natural disasters.

Mr Roel, speaking during the sixth Forum on Sustainable Development: Concrete Actions on Climate Change at COP16, said: “It is a technique demonstrated and tested for over 70 years, supported by aviation authorities and recommended by multidisciplinary panels of the highest scientific level.

In 2007, this initiative received the support of the United Nations Program for the Environment (UNPE).

Mr Roel went on to explain that, if were it accepted by the Mexican Government, it would involve the participation of 14 federal agencies and the 32 states of the country.

Luke Walsh