Available on-demand: edie’s online sustainability reporting and communications sessions

The way sustainability and net-zero progress is reported and communicated has radically changed. Changing regulation and standardisation is making for an increasingly complex non-financial reporting landscape. Meanwhile, investors, customers and society are applying increasing pressure on businesses to present sustainability data in coherent, engaging formats which avoid greenwashing.

edie’s ENGAGE 2023 online event effectively combined three webinars into a single afternoon on Wednesday 25 January, with each session taking a particular format.

Following this live, online event, the recordings are now available to watch on-demand at your convenience.


1) Climate reporting Q&A: Shaping your disclosure strategy in 2023 (13:00 – 13:45)

Kicking off our online event, a selection of reporting and disclosure experts discuss the key trends, regulations and standardisation developments shaping sustainability reporting this year, with specific guidance and advice for businesses seeking to generate quality, comparable, and transparent sustainability data.

Discussion points:


2) The Communications Power Hour: Best-practice case studies to drive engagement and change behaviours (14:00-15:00)

Our second session offers up a series of never-before-seen, quick-fire case studies, hearing from some of the organisations that are unleashing the power of purpose to engage key stakeholders, spark behaviour change and drive meaningful change – all while avoiding greenwash.

Discussion points:


3) 45-minute masterclass: Making your sustainability data meaningful, comparable and transparent (15:15-16:00)

Our third and final session will equip you with specific tools and practical techniques to collect sustainability data and present it in ways that maximise engagement and impacts. From data collection systems to reporting standards and assurance – this masterclass-style session has it covered.

Discussion points:


A recording of all the sessions is available to watch on-demand for those who register. Click here to register.