Sustainability directory available free on the net

Forum for the Future, the organisation which works in partnership with companies and which was founded by leading environmental campaigner Jonathon Porritt, has developed the Directory of Sustainability in Practice as an information source for those interested in learning about cutting edge sustainability initiatives.

In order to qualify for an entry in the directory, organisations need to demonstrate that they contribute positively to a number of ‘sustainability features’. Examples of such features include: a reduction in non-renewable resource use; a reduction of harmful emissions; the preservation, restoration or enhancement of biological productivity or diversity; and the enhancement of physical or mental well-being.

Case studies in the directory include: the Wise Group in Glasgow which has improved energy efficiency in more than 150,000 homes and has planted more than a million trees; Humberside Police, which has converted 420 of its vehicles to liquid petroleum gas (LPG) (see related story); and Hertfordshire Council’s ‘walking bus’ scheme for primary schools, cutting emissions and encouraging pupils to take exercise (see related story).

Companies wishing to be entered into the directory should contact Forum for the Future.