SustyTalk: Ibstock’s chief executive Joe Hudson on embedding sustainability into the heart of a company

#SustyTalk is all about keeping edie’s loyal readers connected to sustainable business leaders across the world, whilst reminding us all that sustainability and climate action must go on through the current Covid-19 pandemic and beyond. It launched in the early stages of the pandemic in 2020 and has continued since then.

The latest episode sees edie’s content editor Matt Mace in discussion with Ibstock’s chief executive Joe Hudson as part of Engagement Week 2022. Stay up to date with all Engagement Week content here.

In the discussion, Hudson reflects on the internal set ups and discussions that were crucial in formulating the company’s ambitious new ESG strategy.

At the start of the month, Ibstock unveiled the intermediate targets for its plans to become a net-zero business by 2040, which were first announced in January this year. The new targets were issued as part of Ibstock’s new ESG Strategy for 2030 and features a commitment to achieve a 40% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030.

The 40% reduction will be delivered across Scopes 1 and 2, with an additional target to achieve biodiversity net-gain across its estate. Other notable targets included in the new ESG strategy include a reduction in mains water us of 25% per tonne by 2030, ensuring that 20% of sales turnover revenue comes from sustainable products and services and increasing female senior leadership representation to 40%.

During this discussion, Hudson reflects on what skillsets both the c-suite and sustainability professionals will need to further the understanding on complex sustainability topics and how conversations and communications need to evolve if net-zero is to be embedded into a corporate strategy.

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