The Essential Eight: edie launches supply chain sustainability handbook

Launched ahead of edie’s Supply Chain Conference taking place in London on 27 June, the new handbook features practical advice on engaging with suppliers across areas like modern slavery, natural capital and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Whether its utilising blockchain to expand traceability, collaborating with the sector to create desired practices, or enhancing community engagement for vulnerable workers, leaving supply chain management down to auditing isn’t enough in world pressed by resource constraints and climate change.

Featuring expert advice and case studies from Ikea, Asia Pulp & Paper, Primark and more, the handbook equips readers with knowledge and examples to embed new supply chain practices across eight essential areas.

Read the supply chain sustainability handbook here.

edie’s Supply Chain 2018 conference

Taking place 27 June 2018 at London’s 99 City Road Conference Centre, edie’s Sustainable Supply Chain 2018 conference is the only dedicated event for supply chain, procurement and sustainability professionals looking to minimise risk and improve supplier engagement.

Learn how businesses are aligning SDGs with supply chain strategies to create opportunities, hear the story behind how businesses are successfully incorporating supply chain sustainability standards, and benchmark yourself against those effectively implementing and managing culture change.

This full-day event will enable delegates to explore tangible ideas and strategies in our interactive workshops, understand how industry leaders are moving beyond the Modern Slavery Act, and hear case studies on ethical and sustainable sourcing practices in challenging climates.

For more information on the conference and to register, click here.