The great green policy survey: Last chance to tell us the issues that matter most

Theresa May’s Conservatives are riding high in the polls in the run up to the snap election that she called for 8 June. But based on green policy alone, the Party is far from favourite among sustainability professionals. 

From the removal of renewable energy subsidies to the axing of a number of key low-carbon and energy efficiency frameworks, the Tories have done much to cause investor uncertainty in the green economy, yet have done little to appease green groups with the delayed release of some key policy plans.

This election provides an opportunity to change things, with to Conservatives, Labour, the Lib Dems and the Greens each pledging in their own way to boost Britain’s natural environment and lead international action against climate change. But what are the green policy areas you would like to see focused on by the next regime?

Green policy survey

That is the question edie is seeking to answer in a short survey we have compiled for our readers to better understand the hopes and expectations of sustainability and energy professionals when it comes to environmental legislation. 

How important is the publication of the 25-Year Plan for the Environment? Should the new Government set more ambitious renewable energy targets? Or work to scale-up decentralised, community and co-operative energy systems? Perhaps we need a more coherant national waste plan, including a 5p charge on disposable coffee cups and a deposit scheme for plastic bottles? 

edie’s five-minute green policy survey is your opportunity to lay out your top policy priorities for the year ahead, and the results will help us to help you understand which political party offers the biggest potential to take the country’s energy and environment ambitions onto the next level.

Whilst your answers will be kept anonymous, the top-line results of the survey will be curated into a full list of green policy priorities for the next UK Government, supported by expert commentary from people working across the green economy, and a comprehensive break-down of which political party ticks the the most boxes for you, our edie readers. 

The survey will be available to answer for one week until 1 June. The full green policy manifesto report, including the results of the survey, will then be available to download for free on 1 June, a week before the election.