Water doesn’t get a look in for 2010/11

According to edie.net’s 2010/11 Consultancy Service customers are not expecting a big push on the water side.

When asked if ‘there’ s any areas where you expect to have a new or greater need for consultancy services in the coming 12 months’ only a handful mentioned water.

The lack of interest in water is surprising, but a handful of respondents did say flood risk management.

However with the coalition Government cutting flood prevention spending by 8%, although as the former administration was putting up funding year on year the actual fall in more like 22%.

And taken into account with last year’s COP15 in Denmark receiving heavy criticism for leaving water issues off the agenda.

And, little interest shown at COP16 despite a pledge by the Mexican organisers of the event to give it a higher profile.

It will be interesting to see if the 2011/12 survey shows water bouncing back, if there’s a spate of flooding it will rocket back up the agenda.