Who has the best reputation for EIA/SEA?

The consultancy won this category by a nose last year but appears to have consolidated its position since then.

As can be seen from the graphs below, ERM also enjoys a huge amount of respect from other consultants but does not seem to enjoy the same level of reputation among would-be customers.

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Click the image above to view the full results

RPS, Entec, Babtie and Enviros also perform strongly in the sector, all having earned a solid reputation among their peers and clients.

In terms of growth potential and perceived need, impact assessments retain a comfortable spot, hovering in the middle of the table with both consultants and those looking for their services recognising that new assessments will always be needed as they are a legal requirement for any large development.

Over recent years EIAs have become firmly entrenched as a mainstream part of the planning process and even when they may not be a statutory requirement have a proven track record of helping to appease public concern or opposition to a development and reassuring planners.

· Graph of consultants answers

· Graph of customers answers