WWF campaign to eat sustainably

The Livewell diet, the organisation says, is not only healthy but also helps the environment.

The diet does not suggest meat eaters become vegetarians but advocates eating less meat and fewer processed foods, while promoting fruit, vegetables and grains.

The WWF has been working with the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health at the University of Aberdeen to research diet and produce the Livewell report on sustainable food production and retail.

The organisation says that around a third of CO2 emissions in the UK are related to food production.

They point to examples such as the degradation of the Brazilian savannah to make way for the production of soy to feed animals in the production of beef and other agriculture.

In the Livewell report, the WWF calls on the UK government and retailers to develop and promote eating habits based on a sustainable diet to help address climate change and protect ecosystems.

WWF programme manager, One Planet Food, Duncan Williamson said: “The UK government should define a sustainable diet and convene a debate of all stakeholders including retailers, farmers, civil society, communities and civil servants.

“Further research needs to be conducted to incorporate other environmental elements, as well as social
and economic aspects, into the Livewell plate.

“Retailers should promote food choices that make it easier for consumers to follow a sustainable diet.”

Alison Brown