10% of US energy may already come from renewables

” The US Energy Information Agency’s own reports put their best quess at 3% of US energy being achieved by home generation,” says Bill Eggertson, executive director of CARE, told edie. The 3% estimate is not included in the Agency’s figures for general renewable energy use.

“We don’t want to criticise the EIA figures, because our government doesn’t even try to guess how much energy is generated from renewables,” says Eggertson. “Our issue is that there is 3% that is never reported. Renewables have always suffered from the criticism that we’re not competitive with other energy sectors. But if renewables are really 10% of the US market, it’s fairly important.”

The majority of the 3% of estimated US home-based, renewable energy generation comes from the use of wood stoves.

The Canadian Association for Renewable Energies publishes a weekly newsletter, called Trends in Renewable Energies, covering the international renewables energy market.