58 improvements for Irish EPA following review

The review, which was published yesterday (May 30), highlights 58 areas where the EPA could be improved.

The 58 recommendations aim to tackle the EPA’s strengthening or deepening of some activities, or the undertaking of new approaches.

One of which includes a recommendation that legislation be brought in to protect ‘whistle-blowers’, something currently only the Chemical Act 2008 addresses.

EPA director general, Dr Mary Kelly, said: “On initial reading, the recommendations, if implemented would lead to stronger environmental protection.

“Many of them reflect views the EPA has expressed over many years, we will examine the recommendations in detail and will make a formal response in the near future.

“Where the recommendations are addressed to the EPA and are in our power to implement, we will make every effort to do so.”

The recommendations and the full report can be viewed here and on the EPA’s website.

Luke Walsh