£62 million for two new recycling projects

The two projects cover local authorities in central Berkshire and West Sussex. The former includes waste minimisation, new recycling and composting facilities, enhancement of civic amenity sites, and the development of alternatives to landfill through mechanical biological treatment. In West Sussex, 11 civic amenity sites will be upgraded, as will three transfer stations and two material recovery facilities.

Following final technical checks and endorsement by the project review group, the authorities concerned will be inviting private sector firms to bid for delivering recycling and other waste services.

Under criteria for Private Finance Initiatives for waste, schemes will have to match or exceed local performance standards for recycling; contribute to longer term national recycling targets; and support local authorities plans for recycling.

“I am very pleased we have been able to respond positively to these two proposals,” said Secretary of State for Environment Margaret Beckett. She stated that the move was “a clear message to the waste management industry that their future lies in recycling.”