A source of concern

Acceptable practice

On the seafood side, Fisher Foods was an early contributor to the work of the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council). The MSC was established to promote sustainable fishing through the use of an accredited labelling scheme which identifies fish from sustainable fisheries for consumers.

Beyond the UK, Fisher Foods has been concerned to ensure that its overseas supplies, especially those from the developing countries, are sourced from and through organisations which operate acceptable ethical and social practices. Fisher Foods moved early to involve itself in pilot projects with the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI). The ETI is an alliance of companies (suppliers and retailers), trade unions and NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations), which collaborate as equal partners to apply principles embodied in a Base Code of social and ethical best practice to the supply of consumer goods imported goods imported into Britain. The ETI promotes a multi-stakeholder approach in dealing with issues and practical matters arising in these supply chains, with a view to achieving outcomes which are equitable for all parties involved.