Architecture Week kicks off with a green theme

The annual celebration will take place across the country with over 750 events, with a focus on a theme of How Green is our Space? taking a look sustainability and the environment.

“This is the first year that Architecture Week has been green,” RIBA spokesperson Dorelia Adeane told edie.

“The theme reflects RIBA’s focus on climate change and rudicing emissions. It’s very timely and something that won’t go awsay…it’s a how things are going.”

Green events include carbon coaching where Londoners’ carbon footprints will be calculated and given tips on cost effective ways of bringing emissions down.

An eco-architect will also speak to homeowners, and Green My Office will give insight to businesses.

Another major green initiative at Architecture Week will target children:

Architects in Residence: Designing a Greener London and Growing Up Green will allow children to apply hands-on methods to green thinking in building more sustainable and energy-efficient projects.

“This is something we do quite regularly ,” Ms Adeane told edie.

“Recent projects including one where Manchester students designed an eco-house for 10 Downing Street have been very popular and show that students adopt a much more forward way of thinking.”

As well as supporting the theme on sustainability and the environment for Architecture Week 2007, the RIBA will be making the case clear for action on tackling climate change through the built environment by asking questions including: What exactly is the contribution of buildings to the UK’s carbon footprint? What is the effect of people’s choice of housing? Are there design options that will help, and what can be done with your existing home or property?

Architecture Week begins today, June 15, and runs through to June 24. For full listings and details, visit:

Dana Gornitzki