CIRIA seeks support for new guidance

CIRIA, the construction industry research and information association, is looking for input into two new guides aimed at improving current processes and approaches.

The first is a good practice guide on the verification of protection and testing of barriers for hazardous ground gases. The second is a guide on risk assessment for asbestos found on contaminated sites.

Verification of gas protection installation is an important step in gas migration and remediation projects. Although many local authorities now require it, the standard of verification and testing varies considerably.

There is currently limited guidance on best practice especially with respect to integrity testing of gas resistant membranes.

Meanwhile poor disposal practices, demolition and other anthropogenic processes has resulted in asbestos often being present in the ground, particularly on brownfield sites.

With the Environment Agency delaying publication of its asbestos guidance, there is unlikely to be site guideline values available for asbestos soon.

The project will provide contaminated land professionals with a comprehensive guidance on how to fulfil duty of care and assess and mitigate the risks associated with asbestos found on contaminated sites.

Maxine Perella