Conditioning process water as potable alternative

While potable water reserves are running short, careful dealing with the valuable raw material is of great importance.

For many industrial processes it is actually unnecessary to use potable water. The often high water demand could be covered from other sources.

Instead of potable water, surface water may be used as an alternative for production, cooling or transportation water.

Such surface water, which is taken from rivers or lakes, will have to undergo a multi-stage preliminary treatment to meet the requirements in specific fields. The quality of surface water depends on the suspended solids and the concentration of contained dissolved material. This also determines the scope of preliminary treatment.

A typical multi-stage conditioning plant could be characterised by the following design features:

If additional improvement of water quality is required, UV sterilisation plants, and ozonisation and chlorination plants for germ elimination can be used.

The sludge produced during water conditioning, in different composition and concentration, can be additionally dewatered in screw presses. This is important when an as low as possible water content is required for advanced treatment or disposal of the residual material.