Conference will show off waste tech

New Technologies Matter is a unique, three-day event that will provide an opportunity to see waste technologies in action and learn more about new and innovative solutions that could reduce your landfill costs, create new revenue streams and reduce your

carbon footprint.

Delegates of New Technologies Matter, organised by IWMBS Ltd on behalf of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management and supported by edie’s sister publication Environment Business, will be able to visit two different sites that are currently demonstrating new technologies in waste management as part of Defra’s £30M New Technologies Demonstration Programme.

In Durham, you will see how metals, plastics and glass are being transformed into a compost product which is used to manufacture high-quality topsoil for use on brownfield regeneration projects. Research suggests the process releases substantially less CO2 into the atmosphere than other methods of waste disposal.

Meanwhile, in Ludlow, you will see how 5,000 tonnes of organic waste is converted into 1.5M kWh of electricity every year –

electricity that qualifies for renewable obligation certificates.

Delegates can also enjoy a thought-provoking, one-day conference at the Barbican Centre in London, which will include advice clinics, knowledge transfer sessions and presentations.

New Technologies Matter is a great opportunity to find out more about new and innovative waste treatment technologies, see them live and in action, listen to expert speakers and to network with like-minded people.

The three-day event takes place on 6-8 November 2007. The two site visits will be in Durham and Ludlow, Shropshire and the conference will take place at The Barbican Centre in London.

For more information visit, call 01604 620426, email

Tom Idle