Dublinbikes keeps doubling riders

In all two million journeys have been taken on dublinbikes since the scheme was launched in September 2009.

The scheme hit the one million rides mark in August 2010, but has managed to double that in just nine months.

The two million mark was reached at 2.10pm last Thursday with a seven-minute journey from Parnell Square North to Smithfield North.

Dublin’s lord mayor, Gerry Breen, said: “It took 11 months to reach one million journeys and now, just nine months later, we have reached the two million mark.

“The project has re-introduced the bicycle as a form of transport in the city and has encouraged both Dubliners and visitors to get more active while supporting a green initiative.”

Latest dublinbikes statistics:

* Total subscriptions: 55,231

* Long Term Hire subscriptions: 33,643

* 3 Day Ticket subscriptions: 21,588

* Total number of journeys: 2,003,105

* Average duration of journey : Approximately 13 minutes

* % journeys which are free (30 mins): 97%

* Average number of subscribers per station: 1,255

* Average number of subscribers per bike: 100

* Busiest usage day so far: 6,043 rentals on 15/4/2011

* Bike Rotation Rate (Average No. of times a bike is rented p/day): 8.8

Luke Walsh