edie Live exhibitor focus: University of Surrey

This week, the University of Surrey is in the spotlight to tell you why their stand – N34 – is not to be missed.

Why should visitors come to your stand during edieLive?

This is a great opportunity to discover the cutting edge research around sustainability, resource efficiency and energy. We are recognised as world leading in our approach to lifecycle thinking, ecological economics and industry collaboration. We have 25 years’ experience helping companies find practical approaches to sustainability issues.

The Centre for Environment and Sustainability has the equivalent of more than 400 years’ experience collaboratively working with industry to understand and resolve the challenges faced in these areas. We can draw on that expertise to identify key issues and work with them to develop long lasting and appropriate solutions.

What is the biggest challenge you can help visitors overcome?

Identifying the right issue to address is often the biggest challenge business face. We help organisations realise the opportunities that result from transitioning to a sustainable business. Together we create a collaborative partnership for problem solving and sustainable innovation that incorporates cross-cutting expertise in systems thinking, methods, operations and horizon-scanning.

What is the biggest opportunity you can help them maximise?

The opportunities will depend on the individual business and industry sector, but our Centre has experience in all aspects of sustainable business, from sustainable supply chains, measurement of environmental impact, encouraging sustainable behaviours, to influencing environmental policy at local, UK and EU level.

What will we see that’s new?

Our new programme links industry and academia to find innovative and enduring solutions for organisations. Industry partners and academics jointly develop the research brief, co-recruit and manage the resource, while rights to foreground IP remain with the company. Research insights gained put organisations ahead of competitors and provide a lasting legacy of work.

Why edie Live?

edieLive offers an unparalleled opportunity to engage with sustainability and environment professionals to find out about their key concerns and issues and discover how business and academia can come together. This encourages us to co-create innovative business practices and models that encompass business, nature, society and governance.

What’s your top tip for driving sustainability results?

A systems approach with communication and engagement at the heart of all collaboration between academic and industry stakeholders is vital. “This programme has provided us with a unique opportunity to really make a difference. Together, we are developing solutions that get to the root of our biggest sustainability challenges” Science Leader, Unilever.

Get your free pass for the UK’s only destination event for sustainable business.

Still need to reserve your space on the floorplan? You’ll need to be quick. Contact david.griffiths@fav-house.com.