EXCLUSIVE: Managing sustainable development must involve ‘cultural shift’

Sector manager for sustainability and corporate responsibility at certification body NQA, Neil Rotheroe, said that the management of sustainable development needs to be driven by senior management in order to fulfil its true purpose of achieving a rounded approach for the business, its stakeholders and for the environment.

“Business leaders are becoming more aware of the impact their actions are having on society. People have lost and are losing their jobs because of bad management and this is affecting society in a big way,” he added.

Rotheroe also suggested that businesses can help address the break down in society by focusing on the wider issue of sustainability management.

“By placing more of an emphasis on the social impact of their business’ actions and linking this to the power of business to make positive change, senior management is in a strong position to build a better future,” he said.

Read the whole article ‘A rounded approach to managing sustainable development’

Leigh Stringer