Farmers call to extend FWMS

The Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association (ICMSA) has challenged the department of agriculture’s position that the deadline for grant-aided work to meet the Farm Waste Management Scheme (FWMS) could not be pushed as EU approval depended on the current cut-off date.

ICMSA president Jackie Cahill said that after discussions with the EU Commission, he was sure that support could still be given to work completed in 2009.

He told the Independent: “We are convinced that a farmer who has entered into a binding contract for the construction of the building, or the purchase of building material, or for the provision of building services, would fully meet the requirements of the EU deadline of December 31.”

Irish Farmers Association president Padriag Walshe added that wet weather had slowed progress on the FWMS down so some would not be completed by the end of the year.

He added that by extending the deadline, the economic benefits for the construction industry and rural areas could carry on into next year.

“Flexibility on the year-end date will have a knock-on effect by extending this economic activity into 2009,” he told The Anglo-Celt.