Festive fixes to wise water use

Faced with sinks overflowing with dirty dishes, floods of guests requiring cups of tea and the temptation of long soaks in a hot bath to fend off the cold outside, many a water-efficient consumer could be lured away from their good habits.

To help householders stay water-conscious, the Consumer Council for Water offers its “five fast fixes” to help cut water consumption in key areas – to be observed “more than ever” over the festive season.

  • Food will undoubtedly be a major theme for many over the holiday period, with the inevitable dish-washing that goes with it. Using a basin instead of leaving the tap running while dishwashing will help cut waste, while those using dishwashers are urged to wait for a full load.
  • The kettle will no doubt be strained as rivers of tea are poured for visitors. Filling the kettle with just enough water as is actually needed will help avoid waste.
  • Moving on from the kitchen to the toilet, where guests will no doubt use many litres-worth flushing the loo, installing a Save-a-Flush device is more important than ever in the festive period, CCWater points out. Even without the festive stream of visitors, an average four-person family uses up the equivalent of two baths each day just flushing the toilet.
  • A long hot bath may be tempting with the chilly weather outside, but a shower is the water-wise option that will also save money for metered customers and is just as warming.
  • Lastly, Christmas is the time to fix leaks and dripping taps along with other DIY jobs, according to CCWater – a tap dripping a drop a second can waste 15 litres a day, quite apart from the irritation it can cause.

    Dame Yve Buckland, chair of CCWater, called on customers to think beyond their Christmas comforts: “Water is a precious resource which we all need to value. Taking steps to conserve your consumption not only helps the environment but will also help those with water meters cut their bills – which is something that would be very welcome post Christmas!”

    Goska Romanowicz